Posted by Anonymous on Monday, February 9, 2009

GAMBAR RUMAH DESAIN MINIMALIS in Jakarta expensive. Even in one of the real estate dipatok at 25 million per square meter. GAMBAR RUMAH DESAIN MINIMALISfor the price segitu may not be a problem, which can satisfy both the owner for the purpose of life kenyamaan would also order a prestige.

For a limited income with a rumah offered many simple or very simple by the developer. Consistent with its name, the land shall be made in such small. At this housing is usually offered with a simple land approximately 60 m2.

Building Size standards are 21 m2 or 36 m2. Plainly, actual size of the house is too narrow to be able to live comfortably. Never far away location on the fringe of Jakarta there, even the packed house in the breath, because it would selonjor difficult. To be a little relieved, the house needs to redesigned rooms with settings that may seoptimal. Because a school architect, but happy to rough, then the design is the version I like the picture below.