How to Choose Wood Flooring

Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Things You’ll Need:

* Measuring Tape

Step 1:
Select the qualities you need in a floor. Decide if beauty or functionality is most important to you. Consider traffic volume, climate and how much time you have to clean the floor on a regular basis.
Step 2:
Use measuring tape to find the square footage of the area of the floor.
Step 3:
Estimate how much you want to spend on the flooring. Laminate flooring that resembles wood is usually cheaper than traditional hardwood.
Step 4:
Decide if you want install the floors yourself or if you want to have them installed by a professional. The installation is not always an easy process, so if you are unsure of your own abilities, it might be worth paying a professional to do the job for you.
Step 5:
Visit local flooring companies or do-it-yourself stores like Lowe's or Home Depot. Take a close look at the different flooring available to you. Some of the wood floors are available in red oak, maple, pecan, mahogany, oak, jojoba, walnut, bamboo and lancewood. Ask the sales representative questions about installation, durability, care for the wood and the differences between hardwood and laminate flooring.
Step 6:
Choose a design or color for your flooring. Lighter woods include bamboo and pine while mahogany and cherry are darker woods. Many different patterns and grains are also available in wood floors. Different woods can be used to create patterns laid into the floor.
Step 7:
Discuss installation instructions with the store or arrange to have the flooring installed for you.
