Menata Interior Kamar untuk Remaja

Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 20, 2009

Arrange for the Teen Room

Room wall color should reflect the sense of calm.
Pass child-kanaknya, children need to express themselves with the growth seseuai age. To support the new phase of life, availability of comfortable rooms also can not escape the attention of parents. What must be for it?

Rooms adolescents have a fundamental difference with the children's room. While small, it requires a room with the interior design of the security. Bed that is not too high and the furniture not be sharp angle, for example. "Now, he can keep himself better," said Natalia Kartika, interior designers.

Teenagers tend to have their own world, as if no parents or younger brother entered. In this case the fact that the privacy interest is just more awake. If he sleeps with both her parents, kinilah is time to move to their own rooms.

Where is best location for children's rooms that go big?
In fact, he must not only occupy the adjacent room with parents. "If during this membesarkannya as your child can be trusted, location, rooms do not become a problem too," Lia supplement, call Natalia familiar.

However, the adjoining room with the parents has a distinctive advantage. Moreover, if the door was built the second room. "Whenever necessary, parents and children remajanya can access each other without compromising the privacy," said Lia who was designing the interior rooms.

While at home, teenagers usually spend most time in the room. The task of the school, listening to music, play a musical instrument, reading, and of course the rest in the room. "For that, he needs support when equipment is in the room," cetus Lia.

Regulation do not seem to matter too complex. Mengkomunikasikannya stay with your teenage children. "Ask and kompromikan themes of interest," advice Lia. Unnecessary devices or elements of interior decoration that deplete pocket to decorate rooms. You and your children can save even budget with the levy of creativity. "Suppose it was like Spiderman theme. Search only picture Spiderman, and the color photocopier. Paste the wall in the rooms, "Lia cite.

To perabotnya, teenagers mattress that you need a larger size. Mattress-mounted car mobilan become the first favorite moment will not be fit to the body that grow high. "Try not to place mattress on the floor. In addition mejaga for hygiene, health factors also need to be, "said Lia referrer who is also on the magazine style theme nurture children.

In addition to the bed, teenagers also need a wardrobe, study table, and furniture to put the audio device, computer or game station that may be held. If you receive memperkenankannya guests sebayanya in the room, floor covering can be held for them. "In addition to practical also minimize the use of space," said Lia.

The little sister is still in one room with a teenager? If it is not possible to create your own room you teenagers, it seems he must learn compromise. "Expression of itself must be limited so that can remain with the interests of Akur brother," said Lia.

What about the wall color? Third of the fruit of his heart began to leave the child, Dr Boyke Dian Nugraha SPOG MARS always encourage them to become themselves. Gynecologist trap seksolog this fruit then let his heart set design bedrooms each. "My father would not mind so I choose the color purple as the main bedroom," said Dhilla Puspitha Novapalloma, second daughter of Boyke.

Room wall color should reflect the sense of calm. With so, so into it, the child will feel comfortable. "Avoid the red deflect the effect of relaxation and not angry. Even if the children want it, give it as accents. Either through the wall of hours or red border, "Lia explain.

For young girls, pink is not necessarily a choice. Pink even seemed childlike. "Room dibalurkan they can paint with yellow, greenness, or purple. Color must be soft, "said Lia studying the self-taught interior design.

Meanwhile, the teenage son, color choices seem a bit limited. Gradient blue color can be applied on the wall rooms. "Color can be another course, which is avoiding the color dark blue and black to create a cool room terusir," said Lia.

Apart from the color, reminds Lia, lighting and air circulation is also important to consider. Then, do not change the function room to a warehouse. "As penyimpananan area, it can take advantage of the hollow bed of the drawer or dus. Request it sort of goods that do not need to regularly. "Reiby: